WLA Network Meeting – Marrakech

December 11, 2018  |   News

A team effort – the WLA and AGLN Members

In October we attended a great networking event in Marrakech – the Annual WLA Network Conference.

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the WLA Network is a safe, friendly and forward thinking newtwork, providing us with the opportunity to engage with our partner members from across the world.

This particualr ‘Summit’ meeting included a seperate newtork, the ‘AGLN’  (African Global Logistics Network), a dedicated African network, bringing agents from acorss the continent to discuss opportunities within their countries. Africa is often poorly represented in these network events, so having the opprtunity to disucss business with partners from Nigeria, Senegal, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa, Malawi and more.

Attended by our Managing Director, Ross Negus, and Business Development Manager, Mark Pake, it allowed us the opportunity of meeting old freinds and making new ones. Our business is all about contacts – these events give us the platform to meet our partners from across the globe and discuss not only current and future business opportunities, but also to learn more about local cultural, economic and political issues that may impact on international trade.

As we often allude to, our advantage over multinational freight forwarders is our ability to select new partners, or de-select existing partners across the world, depending on service levels, experience or individual requirements. A truly global network of specialists; Local Knowledge – Global Scale.

Opening Evening at the WLA conference

Meeting our partners

Mark with the network owner Tom Pagels


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