New Container Weight Verification Laws – Are You Ready?
New regulations are coming into force on 1 July 2016, to ensure that export containers are accurately weighed and that weight is accurately declared. Following some high profile incidents involving the mis-declaration of container weights, an amendment to SOLAS Chapter VI Part A Regulation 2 now effectively means – “no weight, no load”. This is due to have a dramatic effect on the shipping industry, with shippers (as declared on the bill of lading) being made legally responsible to accurately declare weights.
If you are loading full containers for export, you’ll need to supply a VGM (Verified Gross Mass) in time for the vessel planner. We are in the process of becoming a ‘Verified Weigher’, which requires approved weighing facilities and a clearly defined process with an audit trail.On this basis, if you are loading full containers you will, by law, need to be a VGM, or pay for the container to transit via an approved weighbridge. This will inevitably be at a cost.
For LCL/groupage shipments the weight verification still applies, meaning you’ll either have to apply for VGM status or alternatively have your cargo weighed externally. No doubt this will also be at a cost.
In the first instance we suggest you make contact with either the MCA directly by email; or contact Mark Pake here in our office.
We will continue to update over the coming months, as the deadline will soon be upon us, and look forward to assisting you.
Kind regards,
The SFS Team
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