SFS, the 5th Emergency Service?

October 16, 2012  |   News

We have always joked about our 02380 860 999 telephone number being a link to the “5th Emergency Service”; considering our expertise in handling rush shipments such as AOG (aircraft on ground) aircraft parts, ship spares or stores in transit or indeed fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers. Time sensitive cargo is our specialty.

Fire trucks for exportWe also handle all different types of commodities – some that are urgent, others that require specialist attention or knowledge, or of course some that are simply, in their own right, special. Our WLA partners Maple Shipping of Muscat, Oman requested assistance to arrange an important ’emergency’ shipment in July. Three fire trucks, purpose made to specifications for delivery in Abu Dhabi for use by the local ports authority.

The three trucks were loaded onto a roll on/roll off (ro/ro) vessel, specifically designed to carry

Vehicle exports - firetrucksanything from self propelled motor vehicles to caravans, boats on trailers or heavy machinery.

The huge vessels can also carry mining & construction equipment, railway carriages, cranes or oil and gas equipment. The decks of many of the modern fleet of vessels offer up to 5 meters of free deck height and can handle cargo up to 150 tons!

For further information on our range of services please contact our ocean export team at searoad@sotonfreight.co.uk or call our emergency number! +44 (0) 2380 860999

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