Customs Training – Ready for Brexit

November 19, 2019  |   News

At SFS we always need to ensure our teams are fully up to speed with the current HMRC rules and regulations, regarding import/export customs formalities. With the ongoing saga of Brexit, coupled with the changes to our team in 2019, we decided to invest in additional training.

We teamed up with the Institute of Export to provide 4 days of extensive bespoke training, split over different levels of understanding within our organisation, from beginners (mostly for our young apprentices) to advanced for some of the more senior members of our team.

The training covered a broad range of areas, but also focused on some of the core elements we handle regularly, such as goods in transit, TAD’s, EAD’s, ETSF regimes and more.

Its important to us that our team are kept up to date with new rules, regulations and working practices, to enable us to better serve our clients. Of course with the Brexit issue still hanging over the country, it’s vitally important that we are prepared as an organisation to support our clients with detailed customs declaration support, particularly if we have a ‘no deal’ Brexit. You can also source information on our ‘No Deal’ preparations by looking at our No Deal Presentation

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