Roll Up, Roll Up! All Hands On Deck!

September 30, 2019  |   News

As you know, we tend to make a rather big deal about our family ethics as a company. Not just that we are a family business! For example, the Skilton sisters (Sammy and Angela), starting work at 17 and 16 yrs old, now having worked here for almost 15 and 13 years respectively.

The SFS Dream Team helping out onboard a cruise vessel in Southampton

From left to right; Zoe Hodge, Stuart Green, Carol Zecchinel Reinaldo, Elsa Amaro (intern), Sue Savage, Tony Savage (Sue’s Husband), Angela Skilton, Russell Cox, Emily Dix, John Smith, Sam McStay (Sammy’s hubby) and Sammy McStay

But we don’t just limit our scope to brothers and sisters; indeed earlier this year we had a large job to help re-label 3120 cases of 8 pack Tunnocks Caramel Logs – or 62,400 labels to be exact, that needed to be exported to the Middle East. With a slight under-estimation of the time it would take, we had office team members taking it in turns to help the warehouse.. followed closely by family friends, sons, daughters, husbands and wives – all helping to attach labels! We do embrace a challenge. It’s fair to say no-one wanted to see a caramel log for a little while!

Then in June we were assisting a new client to facilitate transport from the USA and Europe, customs clearance via our bond, consolidation and final delivery to stock the shops onboard a cruise vessel in Southampton. A total of 66 pallets of cartons needed to be broken down and transported through the maze of corridors onboard the vessel.

With limited time available in port, the client asked if we could provide personnel to assist with the loading and storing onboard the vessel. Our cruise department rustled up our band of merry men (and women) consisting of 13 of our employees plus our French intern and Sue and Sammy’s husband’s !

A very happy client, having flown in from the USA to oversee their first loading, flanked by our experienced team

The job was a rousing success and the team managed to finalise in just 5 hours. Much to the delight of our client, and the cruise line they serve.

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